Firstly, I want to scream as loud as I can! It is to release my tension during the exam period. Oh God, I’m glad it’s finally over at 12 noon today! To be exact, I end it at 11.30am since I filled up the early submission form. I was thinking that there is no point staying inside there staring at the questions that I do not even have a “byte” of memory on it. So, I decided to get rid of it as soon as I can. However, before this entire end, I had gone through a “surprise” this morning. This is the first time I late for my exam paper! Though it was just a slight late of 10 minutes, but I was liked “Oh shit, I’m dune this time!” when I woke up in shock! Anyway, it’s all over, and I’m glad I did not miss it. Otherwise I will not be hanging around with my friends anymore after the exam.
here comes the main topic! After the exam, I’m like a free bird escape from a cage with thorns. The air smelled more refreshing though there is still haze around.
Here are some sayings from my dudes:
“I’m not going to come back library until the next semester exam comes. Finally I walked out from darkness and all those accumulated tension should be released from now on!” – Edward
“I’m not sure whether I would be taking supp afterwards but who cares! We should “rock and roll” now!”
“All studies stuff is like a big rock pressuring on top of my head since the exam period start, and now I shall break it into pieces by having fun to the max!”
So, we had decided to go for buffet lunch. It’s our tradition every time we finish final exam on a trimester. Last semester we went to
Equatorial Hotel for our buffet lunch and it was awesome! This time we planned to go
City bay View Hotel for our buffet lunch. Unfortunately when we reached there, there were no buffets being prepared since it’s the month of Ramadhan. Well, that’s sucks! Anyway, I respect that as their religious practice but why we are the victims of “starvation”. One of my friend said that “Ala, is normal we complain that there is no foods during Ramadhan. They will also complain if they go to China because pork is everywhere!” Quite true.
Without giving up, we proceed to the
Renaissance Hotel just opposite the previous one. This time we faced the same situation and I get different response from my friend.
This time he started to sing songs he learned from “Jacky Wu new show – 齐天大圣”. Along the road we can hear love lovely song sang by my mad dude. “赶羚羊,草支摆”. (Kan – Ling – Yang – Cao – Zhi – Bai)
So, our quest continued because our stomachs are twisting inside already. So, one of us suggested that there is also BBQ-pot buffet at
MP Japanese shop. So we proceed to the MP and entered the shop without long hesitation. Wow, the lunch buffet was really satisfying with unlimited flow of seafood or any meat you requested for. However, our mood is a bit spoilt at the beginning when one of the waiters started to talk
“bird language” with us when we requested for the change of charcoal. Guess what is his response? He said “
oh, our charcoals just finished and we are in process of ordering”. “What the heck?” voice from all of our hearts. The lamest excuse we had ever heard of! Soon, my mad dude walked out and asked when the charcoal will be changed in loud tone. Immediately the service quality change and one of the in charge person said that they will change the charcoal for us. That’s better, otherwise I guess my friend will be started to sing that song again. Haha.
After we finish the lunch which was approximately 5pm, we decided to
watch a movie entitled “Little Man”. Not a bad movie but it just not good enough as “Rob-B-Hood”. Anyway, it’s still fun to be with my dudes. After that the tour continued and stretched to the newly built “
Dataran Hang Tuah”. Looked big but actually not much to walk on since it is still very new and there are still a lot of free unit. After that, we went for a drink at “
Hazana Asian Café” at Melaka Raya near the “Xuan Café”. Cool place to hang out with friends.
After some water filling in, we need food! The last pit stop of the day is “
Sri Percik Restoran”. We went there because suddenly thought of eating satay. And we did not get disappointed since the satays are good enough. Just that today no Ice Kacang which is described as the best in Malaysia by my friend. Haha. Then we went back home with full stomach. It’s like playing “Go Go Go, Jacky! Go!” Keep eating for the whole day. Lucky to have a bunch of crazy dudes!

The look of the menu at the japanese food shop.

Trying to play with the pepper before the first serve come..

The menu actually is well-designed, i like black!~hehe

Here comes the appetizer, two small plate of vegetables mix with special sauce.

Now this is what i called main course! Horrey ! can start already~*starving
The fire look "blue" captured with my hp. weird. nah...forgot about it, cause who cares! Food!
Layered the lower level of stomach with chicken meat and squid.

half- way done~ continue order~

We realised that the mutton and squids are the best for "teppan"

Finish ate, went Dataran Hang Tuah. A fountain built to memorise "warriors" of country.
"Hazana Asian Cafe"~
we love the air cond actually, and the atmosphere to chit chat none stop~

last pit stop, "Sri Percik"~
OMG, i like the sauce of satay so so much!~