The Hell Training continued…
At the middle of the first day night, we were aware of somebody intruding our male barracks. Then, we remembered that we were supposed to take care of our teams’ flags from being stolen. Then it must be them to steal our flags by that time. Some other people were sleeping like a pig that time. But luckily my team leader was awaked and takes good care of the flag. Till the end, only our team’s flag was not stolen. Another team was lucky because their flag was being hid at the back of the door. We were so proud and relieved when we knew we were the only team which managed to protect the flag well. Bravo to our team leader! Horrey! We actually cheered for our team leader to show our joy. Flags which had been stolen were burnt in front of us. Sick. Felt sympathy to other groups. One of my friends almost quarreled and fought with the army. That is what we called the true “amygdale hijack” I guess.
The second day is the toughest training we had and the real team building took place. We had our first jungle tracking at the morning 0200 something. I still remembered that we were darn blur that time until when we really walked into the jungle then only I realized that we were doing a jungle tracking training. It was so dark that time and none of us were allowed to bring a torch light. Hence, we tried to grab anything we can. Some of the girls even grabbed thorn in the jungle. Ouch! That hurts. There was mud everywhere. Yucks! It was that time that my shoes tore off and broke. Oh my god, bloody mud sucked my shoes off. Shit man.
After the tracking, we went back to sleep. The second jungle tracking happened to be at 0700 if I’m not mistaken. It was a bit brighter this time. Then we were told to accomplish one task given. We had to bring along fishes with us in a pail containing water. The level of the water was measured and we were not supposed to spill it. At first, we were shocked because it was going to be tough since we had gone through it last night and we knew it. And now they wanted us to carry a pail with fishes?! OH man, kill me. Anyway, our team was foxy; we carried it our own way. We put all the fished in a bottle and covered the pails with a plastic beg so that other teams won’t know that our fishes were not there. Pretty smart huh. Most important of all, we were not breaking the rules because they did not state that we can not do this. LOL
We managed to gone through the jungle tracking in 4-5 hours time. It’s really a memorable experience. During the rest, I realized that why they wanted to put us 2 times jungle tracking. My interpretation is that because the first time, it was dark and we just managed to help the person next to us. However, at the day time, we managed to rotate our position and help each others. The strong will hold the weak and the well-fitness will lead the team. We were actually gone through an evolution of team spirit all this time. Indirectly, we learned it from what we did. Really was a priceless experience.
"we are jungle trackers!" (there are a waterfall behind, but can not see clearly)
The prize as the best team in the camp! Horrey!
Take a pic with our tutor, miss lee. (nice posing)
we were given a certificate on "team building" by the University of Defense! COOL
I will always keep this in mind until the rest of my life.
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure. ~Helen Keller~
Woah, so syok wan ur uni life. Sigh. Compare my coll life to your uni life.. *shake head*
LOL... this one different cos the lecturer is an outgoing and adventurous type. we are lucky to take this subject. and ofcos a bunch of crazy buddies!~
kesian u also...only 3 malaysians~ aiks.
ya hor. pity me hor. so ever thought of migrating to my coll to teman me? hahahaha!
lol...why dun u juz HOP over to melaka ...haha
nvm least u will hav strong bond with them..
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