Darwin theory stated that human beings evolved from primates or ape-like ancestors. Since then, many of us believe that everything on this Earth “evolve” from something else. Probably it starts from a very small molecule or bacteria. However, it is the subject of a broad scientific inquiry that seeks to understand and describe how this change and development occurred. No documentary would able to screen us such a long time ago to prove all these theories. Why things “evolve” and why things “extinct”? Is it really because less and less forest around cause ape to evolve becoming human? Is it really true that dinasaurs extinct because planet Earth is way too small for them to live in? Is it really true that dinasaurs died in mass destruction after a comet strucked our planet? I belive that even scientists and researchers can not give us a satisfying answer.
If we look beyond living things on Earth and start thinking something more superior than us. Would it be the creation of “the ONE”? Or the mass destruction of the devils? Sometimes, I’m curious
what is happening out there, somewhere beyond the eyesight of human beings. Deep beneath vast array of oceans; deep beneath underground cracks; far inside the unexplore caves. Satellite can not foresee that.
New species, unknown creatures and mutants come from where? Are they “created” or “evolved” slowly beneath without human acknowledgement? Humans are not the only target for devils. Devils are able to influence other living creatures as well and even “attch” to them. Maybe evil troops are under construction to prepare a great war with humans.
The chupacabra (or chupacabras) is (are) a cryptid said to inhabit parts of the Americas. It is associated particularly with Puerto Rico (where it was first reported), Mexico, Chile, Brazil and the United States, especially in the latter's Latin American communities and Maine. The name translates literally from the Spanish as "goat-sucker". It comes from the creature's reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock. Physical descriptions of the creature vary. Sightings began in Puerto Rico in the early 1990s, and have since been reported as far north as Maine, and as far south as Chile. Though some argue that the chupacabras may be real creatures, mainstream scientists and experts generally contend that the chupacabra is a legendary creature, or a type of urban legend. National Geographic did a report on the existance of Chupacabras and they found a supposed chupacabra skeleton on a local farm ground.
1-7, it is believed that all these aquatic creatures were washed up by the Tsunami. We don't know whether is it another hoax from people or is it for real but it is possible that something weird or strange is happening "under" there. 7 would be the most unbelievable since it looks like a combination of squids and fish. another "Evolution"?
1- This creature was found in a cave at the middle east. Looks like a lobster but unfortunately it's not the same species. 2- found in California cave, another unknown creature like scorpian with a "rounded" back. 3- found in California cave, unknown bug. 4- also found in California cave, very long but with only 6 legs?
Recent news also reported that there are 52 new species in seas found off Indonesia. Not hoax for sure. But why in a sudden? Some might said "it the trend of our ecosystem to suit themselves with the change of this world". Or is it a "sign"? What do you think?
o...bought it from penang..
Prangin Mall...forgot which shops already..but for sure the shop is not eye-catching..juz a small ordinary shop..
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