C U L T U R E - Exploration

We depart from here at 9 something and reach Cyberjaya by 11 something. Without delay, we had a tour on parts of the campus. Later, we started the meeting and it last until 6 something. The first session is the interaction between us and Cyberjaya high committees. After that we had another session with high committees’ representative from UPM. Everything runs smoothly. At night time, we had decided to have a tour to UKM mooncake festival at Kajang City Hall. The festival was awesome and we learned a lot from them. Next morning, we went UPM campus to tour around. Very lucky, we were tour-guided by their president and secretary.
This trip was great because I learned a lot from it. We get to know what is the problem that we both (Melaka and Cyberjaya) facing all this while. We exchange ideas on how to resolves some of our society’s problems and challenges. The same goes to UPM as we know more about their society and how they operate. The most important thing, we gained a lot in observing their culture and environment of doing students’ activities. We understand that we are all under different environment thus having different style of managing. The witness of UKM mooncake festival is also a thrill for us since it was such a great event. We need to learn their heart of appreciating every event they can do. We need to spread these thoughts among ourselves. Finally the tour to UPM campus also reveals us too many cases happened there before. We know how the <1971> is implemented in the campus life. We learn a lot through culture and environment observation. We inspired from it through a deep thinking of our own. Though tiring, but it worth!~

Actually i'm impressed of the culture they practised over there. Lots of creative idea yet stick to the objectives of society. They are way more discipline, self-motivetd and proavtive in organising or managing society.Compare to us, we are more to spoon-feed learning.Lack of critical thinking. Probably it's time for us to implement more systematic and inspiring training system. however, most important of all, this kind of interaction should not be organized just once a year because of "tradition".It should be long term.We'll c how, we had invited them to come over for next(probably next sem)...hope it will be a continuos activities rather than annual event.
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